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Can you keep a secret? Have you ever — intentionally or not — spilled the beans (when you should’ve stayed quiet)?


Most of people would not tell secrets to a journalist knowing that his or her job is publish information he or she obtains. But for a journalist is crucial to know how to keep secrets when needed. To maintain the trust of the sources of information is the key importance to keep a secret, and there are journalists risking going to jail in their determination to protect  their sources. I have never been in that situation, but I had to keep secrets to build trust with my sources and sometimes to protect them. It’s the professional secrecy or confidentiality I observed carefully. 


Apart from those secrets, in quotidian life, I don’t like secrets. I prefer open truth. Sincerity, Confidence. Not boundaries. I prefer that people don’t tell me secrets, because they are a burden you can’t release or share. Despite so, if some friend confides me a secret can rest and be sure it’s safe with me. I won’t talk




Locked and Sealed.


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