beep beep… boop

What’s your idea of a perfect day off: one during which you can quietly relax, doing nothing, or one with one fun activity lined up after the other? Tell us how you’d spend your time. An error message in my computer ruined my post. I’d just finished writing and...
Object Lesson

Object Lesson

Sherlock Holmes had his pipe. Dorothy had her red shoes. Batman had his Batmobile. If we asked your friends what object they most immediately associate with you, what would they answer? Unfortunately a trolley walker. I can’t go anywhere without it. I have a...

Unwelcome advice

Focus today’s post on the contrast between two things. The twist? Write the post in the form of a dialogue. – You are spending too much time at the computer. – What do you care? It’s my life – I’m just saying It’s not good being all...

My family and my computer

Have you ever become obsessed with something? Tell us about something that captivates your attention like nothing else.   Obsession is a strong feeling. The dictionary says it is a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently...
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