No way!

Your blog is about to be recorded into an audiobook. If you could choose anyone — from your grandma to Samuel L. Jackson — to narrate your posts, who would it be? My blog recorded? My posts read aloud? what an embarrassment! I’ll never allow it. Anyway, If I had...


When was the last time a movie, a book, or a television show left you cold despite all your friends (and/or all the critics) raving about it? What was it that made you go against the critical consensus? When I was working as a reporter in a newspaper, I seldom was...

No need

If you could create a sequel to one favorite (standalone) movie, which would it be? How would it build on the original? Good movies don’t need sequels. They are so complete that any add-on to the story would be a disaster. Take for instance my favourite movie:To...
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