First Christmas exiled

First Christmas exiled

Christmas is coming. A time full of poetry. My parents spent 12 years forcefully separated because of the persecution against Catholics by the communists in Eastern Europe. When they reunited in October 1956 in exile, they had each other and their daughter Elica who...
The busker

The busker

Brrr! How cold am I! I spent all day in the street under the snow playing my sax. A nice man gave me a cup of hot coffee at lunchtime, but that was all. People were in a hurry under the gelid weather. The strong wind had turned the snowflakes into little arrows of...
New world

New world

I’m not on my best days. I seriously had considered titling this post, “Abolish me.” I feel useless. My projects have sunk during this pandemic. I wanted to write a book and had made a sort of outline. But when I tried to begin with my research to...
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