My family and my computer

by | Apr 13, 2014 | daily prompt

Have you ever become obsessed with something? Tell us about something that captivates your attention like nothing else.


Obsession is a strong feeling. The dictionary says it is a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal. I don’t thing I’ve ever been obsessed in my life in that way, thanks God. I thing that being too obsessive is dangerous. Of course there are people and things that occupy my mind frequently, but I would like to think that in a normal way. Number one? My family. I can’t get them out of my mind. They are my life.

Other things appear far away in my preference list, but I have to confess that I’m addicted to my computer and my iPad and that occupies a great deal of my mind every day, more than I would like to.

Lately I’ve been addicted to the daily prompt. I don’t know why I wait impatiently every day for the editors to release the prompt and start writing. I know I’m not too original or funny and I usually don’t have too much time to spend composing my posts, but I feel I’m part of a community of bloggers and that’s great. I enjoy share my experiences with people from all around the world and read what others have to say about the same topic. I also like the weekly challenges but I don’t have always time to participate.

Now we have a new page for the daily post, a little more complicated than before. I like the visual way the page displays the posts on the daily post page, but I miss the list of posts whith which you could easily send pingbacs to your fellow bloggers. I also miss the share buttons that made easier to link your post with the prompt. On the weekly photo challenge page, without the list of posts, you have no way to know if your entry has linked properly until you receive your first “like” and is more complicated to navigate to watch the pictures.

I don’t think the WordPress editors would read this post and read my suggestions. I guess they are already working to solve this problems, because I know I’m not alone in these opinions.


via Can’t Get it Out of My Head | The Daily Post.




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