
by | Feb 23, 2016 | daily prompt

Most of us are excellent at being self-deprecating, and are not so good at the opposite. Tell us your favorite thing about yourself.


Here am I, last Christmas. It’s not my usual look. I went to the hair dresser, applied some make up, earrings, necklace, my best dress, and voilà!: a total transformation. My usual appearance is very different a lot more casual and no so pretty. Something more like this:

I’ve had to think hard to find something good to tell about myself. I think I’m a good daughter. I’ve tried to give back to my parents all the love they gave me. I did it with my dad when he was sick and died and now with my mom who needs me every day for everything. And I didn’t forget the legacy of my dad, a good man, a writer, a poet and a loved teacher of 30 generations of journalists in Spain. I’m trying to maintain live his memory and publish his writings now that his centenary is approaching in my new website brajnovic.info in which I write in Spanish. Since this post is kind of egocentric I would ask you to help me and check if you don’t mind the site. I would really appreciate your opinions about how it looks. I’m hungry for qualified feedback

Toot Your Horn


  1. angloswiss

    I had a look at your spanish site. Although my spanish is not so good, Ok almost non-existent, I found the overall impact of the page is very good with the photo of Zagreb. I like both photos, the natural look and the nice look. I think we all have our good sides and not so good, but I like your smile, very friendly and warm

    • Olga Brajnović

      Thank you so much for visiting my page and commenting. I’m glad you’ve liked it. Thank you for your compliment. I need to smile more often. You really have a charming optimistic smile in your profile picture that lifts my mood every day

  2. Myriade

    Lo siento pero no consegui abrir tu página, no sé por qué.

    • Olga Brajnović

      Estará dando problemas? Voy a revisarlo. A mí se me abre bien. Veré si puedo solucionarlo


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