
by | Oct 30, 2017 | daily prompt

I’m very disappointed because after having prepared thoroughly a lecture, with lot of work and anticipation, only a few minutes before the scheduled hour, some people who will attend, began to discuss in front of me, how boring the lectures are nowadays.

Times had changed, they say. We are in the era of short and clear messages. The times of tweets and Instagram. Would be enough that a lecturer enunciate the subject and say the bibliography, to end the thing in a couple of minutes and save time.

What about the professor’s creativity? what about his knowledge acquired by studying and investigating? What about the possibility of a debate with questions and answers live and the enrichment it brings ?

I thing people too dependent of the 140 characters to communicate themselves are losing many capabilities of expression and comprehension.

I was looking forward for my lecture, and now I’m puzzled. I think I will send some short messages for the ones bored in advance to make a joke and save their time, and then I will follow as planed for the people I hope will be interested in the subject.


  1. angloswiss

    I would be glad to be able to get out and be able to visit an interesting lecture. Life is not only Facebook and Tweet, but a real lecture with the atmosphere is much more interesting.

    • Olga Brajnović

      Certainly. I’m lucky to live in the middle of the city with lots of opportunities


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